Our story

BEAU BAKERY operates in the wholesale and retail of contemporary artisan European bread and pastries, focusing on education and growing talent.

The bakery was opened by two friends joined by the passion for the craft of baking and love for people, they felt there has to be a way, where world-class products are made using Indonesian ingredients and talent. Focused in education and adhering to their tagline of “Taste, Texture, and Form”, BEAU BAKERY became the first bakery to popularise authentic European sourdough in Jakarta; picking up numerous awards and accolades along the way.

Sweet pastries on stacked on tabletop.
Freshly baked bread with ingredients on cutting board.

Growing talent

We feel there has to be a way where a bakery business can be governed to train staff effectively; to inspire and nurture young talent that will brighten prospects for bakers and chefs in Indonesia as a whole.

To birth new talents to support the growing F&B market in Indonesia, BEAU BAKERY focuses on skill-sharing, training and up-skilling of our employees so that they may become independent with bright career prospects.

Our passionate chefs and bakers are trained in-house from scratch, with full know-how of the techniques needed to create world-class bread and pastries. We provide internships for local students to hone their skills, as well as provide training and sponsorship for our staff to compete nationally and abroad.



Join our team —

At BEAU Bakery, we’re always looking for new talent to join our team. Reach out →